About us | ХАІ
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About the Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design "KHAI" (Department No. 103) was organized simultaneously with the creation of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute in 1930.

For many decades, the department has been involved in the training of specialists for the aviation industry of our country and the leading aviation companies of the world.

Specialists of the department carry out scientific research that ensures scientific and technical progress in the field of aviation and rocket and space technology.

Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design of the National Aerospace University named after M.E. "KHAI" invites Zhukovsky to study in the following specialties:

134 "Aviation and rocket and space technology" (educational program "Design, production and certification of aviation technology")

272 "Aviation transport" (educational program "Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines")

The educational programs followed by students are developed based on the requirements of the most modern enterprises - employers. Under the guidance of experienced specialists, you learn to create (design, construct, manufacture, test, research) various types of aircraft using CAD/CAM/CAE automated design systems, master computer modeling using Siemens NX, ANSYS, CATIA, SolidWorks systems, you acquire the competence to solve the most difficult technical and practical problems related to the development, production and certification of new models of aviation and rocket-space technology, which requires ensuring the highest level of accuracy, reliability and safety.

At the same time as studying at Khai, you have the opportunity to acquire additional knowledge under the program of Progresstech-Ukraine LLC for further employment at the company, or to undergo training and receive a certificate of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine for the right to maintain passenger aircraft.

The staff of the department organizes and carries out the educational, research and educational process of bachelors and masters:

- in the field of knowledge 13 "Mechanical engineering" in the specialty 134 "Aviation and rocket-space engineering" (educational program "Airplanes and helicopters"),

- in the field of knowledge 13 "Mechanical engineering" in the specialty 134 "Aviation and rocket and space engineering" (educational program "Design, production and certification of aviation equipment"),

- in the field of knowledge 27 "Transport" in the specialty 272 "Aviation transport" (educational program "Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines").

The department also trains post-graduate students and doctoral students in the specialty "Design, production and certification of aircraft" and in the specialty "Aviation and rocket-space engineering". The department has the IV level of accreditation for these specialties. for full-time and part-time forms of education.

OUR GRADUATES after graduating from the university have fundamental knowledge and are in demand in all fields of human activity: in science and technology, in state and public organizations, and work at aviation enterprises all over the world.

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