Training and laboratory base | ХАІ
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Training and laboratory base
of the Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Aircraft design laboratory named after O. Antonov (auditorium 208 of the aircraft building)


Helicopter design laboratory (auditorium 129 of building K-2)


Aircraft maintenance laboratory (auditoriums 304 and 309 of building K-2)


Problem-based scientific research laboratory of the resource of aviation equipment (TsOM)


Laboratory of power plants (TsOM)


Computer class named after P. Balabuyev (auditorium 225 of the aircraft building)


CAD/CAM/CAE training-scientific-production center (auditorium 120 of the aircraft building)


Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ