Scientific activity | ХАІ
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Scientific activity
of the Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

A scientific school is an integral basis for the development of scientific knowledge and the development of the educational process.

The development of the scientific school "Design and construction of effective high-resource aviation equipment" at the department of aircraft and helicopter design at the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" begins with the first years of the department's existence 103.

Наукова школа кафедри 103

The department is proud of its graduates, among whom there are Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Ukraine, the director of the Research Institute, six chief designers, many chief engineers, plant directors, six laureates of the Lenin Prize of the USSR, laureates of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize, eight laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, 20 doctors of science , many candidates of sciences and other outstanding scientific and administrative workers. They worked and are working in design and scientific organizations of the aviation industry of Ukraine and beyond.

Specialists of the scientific and educational school of the department jointly cooperate with specialists of scientific schools of the KhAI, aviation universities and enterprises of Ukraine, CIS countries and foreign scientific centers.

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