Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design | ХАІ
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Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The department of aircraft and helicopter design of the Khai Hai trains highly qualified specialists for the aviation industry of Ukraine and the world's leading aviation companies. Specialists of the department carry out scientific research that ensures scientific and technical progress in aircraft construction. Bachelor's and master's training is based on modern methods of integrated design, engineering analysis, training for the production of aviation equipment with wide application of computer information technologies.

Our graduates - design engineers of aircraft and helicopter construction and mechanical engineers for the operation and maintenance of aviation equipment work at state and private enterprises of the aviation industry, general mechanical engineering, in research institutes, design bureaus, institutions of higher education in Ukraine and abroad, as well as at enterprises related to the operation and repair of aircraft.

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