Department of Strength of Aircraft | ХАІ
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Department of Strength of Aircraft
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Strength of Aircraft prepares elite engineering personnel. Our graduates are highly qualified analysts and experts in the field of aviation strength, general mechanical engineering, testing and international certification. Training programs are coordinated with the requirements of leading employers of Ukraine. In terms of quality and depth of processing, educational and methodical materials are not inferior to foreign ones.

Applicants receive general engineering and technical training of a high level. In addition, specialists of the department teach applicants to work with modern software products and computer technologies used by world leaders in aircraft, rocket and mechanical engineering. All graduates of the department receive offers for employment at leading enterprises of Ukraine, internships or continuing education at technical universities in Europe, America, and China.

As part of the department, the only certified laboratory for static tests of light aircraft is successfully operating in Ukraine. The teachers of the department are constantly improving their qualifications by carrying out real projects for the industry of Ukraine and other countries. The educational process is closely related to research work and the use of modern experimental equipment and software complexes.

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