Recognition of International students educational diplomas | ХАІ
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Recognition of International students educational diplomas
HomeTo the entrantForeign citizensRecognition of International students educational diplomas

Every foreign citizen who is willing to be trained as BS, MS, PhD, DS must fulfill the procedure of his educational documents' recognition at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Documents' recognition is held during the first year of staying in Ukraine.

You should appeal to the Embassy of Ukraine in order to get the information and formalize educational documents for recognition.


Bachelor of Engineering science
  • Legalized original of academic transcript with credits and hours
  • Legalized original of Associate Specialist's diploma
Master of science
  • Legalized original of Bachelor diploma or apostil stamp
  • Legalized original of Bachelor Transcripts including grades and hours or apostil stamp
PhD, Doctor of science
  • Legalized original of Master and Bachelor diplomas or apostil stamp
  • Legalized original of Master and Bachelor Transcripts including grades and hours or apostil stamp
  • Academic plan: list of subjects, total weekly scope of credits, number of semesters, study. Weeks, practical trainings, course projects, final projects, annotations of programs of professionally-oriented subjects and other components of educational process are mentioned
  • Comprehensive Assessment system
  • Passport
  • The document of state central body of administration of the foreign country education about the educational establishment accreditation
  • The document of the state central body of foreign country education administration about the rights (educational and professional), that are given to the holder of the documents by the state government bodies of the country, that owns the educational establishment that had given out the documents

The University provides methodical assistance on documents' preparation for the recognition procedure.