Tuition Fees Installments and Deadlines | ХАІ
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HomeInternational studentsTuition feesTuition Fees Installments and Deadlines

Tuition Fees Installments and Deadlines

While paying tuition fee in the Ukrainian currency conversion is made at the rate of National Bank of Ukraine on the day of payment, all the expenses on currency conversion and bank services are the responsibility of STUDENT.

While transferring tuition fees in US dollars through banks located outside of Ukraine, all the expenses on bank transactions are the responsibility of KHAI.

The deadline for tuition fee payment is settled for STUDENT:

  • for the first year of training at the appropriate educational level (preparatory department and the first, fifth grades) 100% of the annual tuition fee should be paid within 20 days after signing contract.
  • for subsequent grades (second, third, fourth and sixth grades) the student must pay 50% of annual tuition fee before October 20 of the current academic year, and 50% which left from annual tuition fee should be paid before February 01 of the current academic year.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ