Among specialists with higher education working in the aviation-space industry of Ukraine, 80% are KhAI alumni

In 1937, a reactive group worked in KhAI, the first rockets were designed

In the 60-ies in KhAI were created laboratories

In 1999, another faculty was established: the Humanities
Ukraine is one of the few countries in the world where aviation and space equipment are developed and manufactured, as well as qualified specialists are trained for this industry. National Aerospace University is a leading educational institution in the public education system of Ukraine, which graduates specialists of this profile.
Kharkiv Aviation Institute was founded in 1930 and initially had two faculties - aircraft construction and engine construction. At the time of its foundation, KhAI had only 12 teachers and 69 students. The development of the institute was extremely rapid. Already in 1932, the first passenger aircraft in Europe with a KhAI-1 landing gear, developed by teachers and graduate students of KhAI, took off. Planes and gliders, created at the institute, set world records.

In 1930, at the origins of the creation of KhAI was a well-known scientist, a student of M. Ye. Zhukovsky, professor (later academician) Georgyi Fedorovich Proskura, who during his life was awarded not only for his contribution to the development of aviation, but also, for example, for creating a unique hydraulic system during the construction of the Volga-Moscow Canal.
The street near the village of Zhukovsky in Kharkiv was named after M.Ye. Zhukovsky (the street where the current National Aerospace University is located).
1920s. Proskura with students of the Aviation Department of the Kharkiv Institute of Technology (now KhPI), from which KhAI appeared in 1930.

The second director of KhAI Andrey Yemelyanovich Medveder (1903-1935) is a truly unique case in the history of universities in the USSR - from 1931 to 1932 he was the director of KhAI and at the same time a student of the third year of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering. In 1935, he tragically died while testing the MTB-1 flying boat.

In 1932, under the leadership of Professor of the Department of Aircraft Design Joseph Grigorovych Nemana, an initiative group of KhAI employees and students created a high-speed aircraft project, which was called "KhAI-1". It was the first passenger plane with landing gear in Europe to be removed in flight, which set a speed record for the KhAI-1 plane. On the domestic m-22 engine with a capacity of 480 hp, it showed a speed of 322 km/h, according to this indicator, it took first place in Europe and second in the world. During the period from 1934 to 1937, more than 40 such vehicles were built at the Kyiv aircraft factory, and in the pre-war years, the KhAI-1 became the most popular passenger aircraft in the country. Achievements in this area served as an impetus for the creation of a development bureau at KhAI.
From 1936 to 1938, on the basis of the KhAI-1 aircraft, the KhAI-5 was created, a modification of which the KhAI-5 - R10 bomber was actively used during World War II, as a reconnaissance and short-range bomber, until 1943. A total of 490 such vehicles were built.

In 1934, for the first time, the glider "Osaviakhimovets of Ukraine" or " KhAI -4", the creation of which was led by Pavel Georgiyovych Banning, took off. It was he who proposed a unique hydraulic communication system between the front and rear landing gear, which made it possible to simultaneously remove and release three wheels in flight. In parallel with this, the development of the Osaviakhimovets KhAI glider, which was destined to go down in the history of World Aviation, was carried out. Pilot Ryzhkov performed aerobatics on a glider for the first time in the world, performing (please pay special attention to this figure) 26 dead loops, one of which is with an exit in the opposite direction.
During the summer of 1934, KhAI created a two-seat tailless glider - "KhAI-2", named after "Pavel Postyshev". And two months later, at the tenth all-Union gliding competition in Koktebel, KhAI -2 set a record among gliders of its class, holding 58 minutes in the air.
On the way back to Kharkiv, the glider sets another record - the glider manned by pilot Leonid Rozhkov flew 4 and a half hours in tow from the Crimea to Kharkiv without a single landing.

In 1935, the engineer of KhAI, and in the future the general designer, Arkhyp Mikhailovich Lyulka, developed and designed the first domestic turbojet engine RTD-1.

In 1935, KhAI students Fischuk, Stasyuk and Kosukhin created the project "flying wings", which allowed a person who jumped out of an airplane to make a planned flight. Today, this project has been implemented under the name “jetpack”.

In 1935, the first domestic turbojet engine was designed by the teacher A. M. Liulka.
Since November 1937, a jet group worked at KhAI, and the first rockets were designed. By the beginning of the 1940s, the institute already had more than 1,000 students, a development bureau was working, and scientific research was actively conducted.
The development of the institute was interrupted by the attack of Germany on the USSR. More than 500 teachers and students of KhAI fought at the front, and bombers developed at the institute took part in the fighting. Due to the occupation of Kharkiv, the institute was evacuated to Kazan and continued to train specialists for the aviation industry. In those years, senior students were sent to engineering positions in defense enterprises. Many of them were awarded Orders and medals for their success in organizing the production of military equipment.

On November 10, 1937, Academician G.F. Proskura created a group of scientists, engineers and students who study rocket thrust, design and launch the first rockets. On September 19, 1940, enthusiasts of the Jet Group launched powder rocket No. 2 near the village of Cherkasskaya Lozovaya near Kharkiv. A memorial plaque on the aircraft body of the KhAI is dedicated to this historic event.

In 1939, the team of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute took part in international correspondence shooting and sports competitions organized by the English Association of shooting clubs. 45 teams competed from the USSR riflemen. The KhAI team took: 1st place in Ukraine, 10th place in the USSR and 12th place in the world.
In that team was Boris Oleksiyovych Khokhlov, a graduate of KhAI in 1941 (far left). In the future - a teacher of KhAI, and then chief engineer and general director of the Kharkiv Aviation Production Association. Winner of the USSR State Prize. It is under his leadership that such world-famous airliners as the Tu-104, Tu - 124 and Tu-134 will be produced at Khaz, and work has begun on preparing for the production of a new generation of Ans, An-72 and An-74 aircraft.

On August 16, 1943, soldiers of the 285th Guards regiment were among the first to break into occupied Kharkiv and dislodge the Germans from the KhAI area. The regiment was commanded by 29-year-old Major Grigory Rudyk. After passing through the territory of KhAI, they went to the Hydropark area (Shkiraniy - a brick factory during the war). Major Rudyk died there. His son and wife survived. A street in the Forest Park is named after major Grigory Rudyk. In fact, the man who commanded the liberation of KhAI and the village Zhukovsky.

Immediately after the liberation of the city, the institute was returned to Kharkiv in 1944.
Restoration of the destroyed KhAI buildings took almost 8 years. At the same time, the educational process was improved, new departments were created, and the program of scientific research was expanded. In the late 40s, the first experiments on explosion stamping were conducted. In 1953, KhAI began work on the creation of jet burners for drilling hard rocks, and a wind tunnel was built. In connection with the development of rocket technology, training of specialists in its design and production was started, and the radio engineering faculty was opened.
In the 60s, KhAI established a laboratory for the use of pulsed energy sources in industry, a laboratory for the study of long-term strength of aircraft structures. The Student Design Bureau has started its work, which has created more than thirty aircraft samples during its existence. In 1966, the Kharkiv Aviation Institute was included in the list of 26 basic higher educational institutions of the USSR.
The Institute's specialization was constantly expanding. By 1980, new faculties were opened - aircraft control systems and rocket and space technology. At the same time, the development of the material base continued. The construction of a wind tunnel complex was completed, new academic buildings and dormitories, a sports complex, and a recreation center in the Crimea were built. The institute was named after M. E. Zhukovsky in 1978 for outstanding achievements in the field of training highly qualified specialists and in scientific research, and in 1980 KhAI was awarded the Order of Lenin. In the 80s, advanced training faculties for employees of the aerospace industry and the faculty of pre-university training were opened.

In June 1967, KhAI students built and successfully tested the unique KhAI-20 aircraft, which was honored with awards by VDNH of the USSR.Two years later, gibcolet KhAI-21 is created in KhAI, the prototype of the current moto-hang-glider. KhAI-21 was successfully demonstrated at exhibitions in the USA and Canada.

1977s. Outstanding general designer Oleh Kostyantynovych Antonov becomes head of the Department of aircraft design of KhAI (Department 103).

On March 31, 1978, the Kharkiv Aviation Institute was named after the aeronautical theorist "father of domestic aviation" M. Ye. Zhukovsky for his huge contribution to the training of aviation specialists.

On April 14, 1990, the legendary KVK KhAI team played its first game and won its first victory in KhAI, which in the mid-90s not only won the KVK Championship title and the Champions Cup, but also the only one in the club of cheerful and witted received the title of «Best KVK team of the decade»

With the formation of independent Ukraine in 1991, KhAI became the only institute in the country that provides comprehensive training of specialists for the aerospace industry.In 1992, for the first time in the history of KhAI, he began training foreign citizens, and due to the demands of the time, the Faculty of Economics and management was established. At the same time, the study of integrated CAD / CAM / CAE software packages was included in the training programs: UNIGRAFICS, ADEM, EUCLID, etc. In August 1998, the State Aerospace University named after M. E. Zhukovsky "KhAI" was established on the basis of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute.
Over the years of its existence, the university has trained more than 53 thousand engineers. Among specialists with higher education working in the aviation and space industry of Ukraine, 80% are graduates of KhAI. The university is justly proud of the achievements of its scientists in the field of supersonic aerodynamics, strength of aircraft structures, design of aircraft and rocket engines, aircraft control systems and many others. The inventions of University scientists are patented in more than 20 countries around the world. KhAI is a regular participant of international exhibitions.
The university continues to develop. In 1999, another faculty was established - humanities. Currently, the university has more than 7,000 students and 160 postgraduates, 700 teachers (including 95 professors and doctors of sciences, more than 400 associate professors and candidates of sciences) and more than 2,000 employees. Among the university teachers there are 1 laureate of the Lenin Prize of the USSR, 3 laureates of the State Prize of the USSR, 25 laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, 11 laureates of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

A distinctive feature of KhAI is its close ties with production. General designers and managers of the largest aerospace enterprises taught at the University: Ya.E. Eisenberg, P. V. Balabuiev, V. O. Boguslaiev, I. V. Dranovsky, S. M.Konyukhov, F. M. Muravchenko, A. K. Myalitsa.
Now the University occupies a separate territory of the city in the Forest Park area of about 25 hectares, on which there are 8 academic buildings, 2 research institutes, scientific laboratories, a library with a fund of 920,000 volumes, a campus, a sports complex, a dispensary, canteens.
The university is a co-executor of the Alpha International Space Program, as well as research projects with firms in the USA, Japan, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands and China.
On September 11, 2000, the university was granted national status. The new name of KhAI is National Aerospace University named after M.Ye.Zhukovsky ‘Kharkiv Aviation Institute’.
The XXI century is a century of even more rapid development of aviation and cosmonautics. Scientists and teachers of the university look to the future with confidence and optimism and are ready to solve any tasks that time sets.