Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies | ХАІ
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HomeScienceDepartment of postgraduate and doctoral studies

Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The postgraduate course of the university was opened in 1930, the doctoral course was opened in 1962. Over 1,100 candidates and 105 doctors of science have been trained during the postgraduate and doctoral studies, among them well-known scientists in the field of physical and mathematical, technical, historical and philosophical sciences.

The post-graduate course prepares scientific-pedagogical and scientific specialists with and without separation from production, and the doctoral course with separation from production.

Training in postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out at the expense of:

1. funds from the state budget of Ukraine - under a state contract for work in the state sector of the national economy;

2. funds of legal entities and individuals - under the terms of the contract - for work in the state and non-state sectors of the national economy;

3. foreigners and stateless persons based on:

- international treaties of Ukraine;

- national programs;

- contracts concluded by the university with legal entities and individuals.

The staff of the postgraduate and doctoral studies department Information for admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies Educational process in postgraduate and doctoral studies

 Contacts of the post-graduate and doctoral studies department