Resource support for the implementation of program | ХАІ
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Resource support for the implementation of program


Meets the personnel requirements to ensure the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions" of December 30, 2015 № 1187, Annex 8).

The staff is formed mainly from the scientific-educational staff of the Aircraft Engine Design department. The teachers of professional-oriented disciplines have scientific degrees and academic ranks and meet the license requirements. Professors of another 12 departments of National Aerospace university are also involved in the educational process.

Material and technical support:

Meets the material and technical requirements to ensure the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions" of December 30, 2015 № 1187, Annex 9).

Training is carried out in the laboratory of gas turbine engines, computer classes; course and diploma design laboratories; laboratories of aircraft engine dynamics; laboratories of gas turbine engines and laboratories of aircraft engine units.

Computer classes, projection equipment and visual aids are used, as well as modern system, application and computer programs.

Information and teaching / learning materials:

Meets the informational and educational-methodological requirements for ensuring the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for the implementation of educational activities of educational institutions  dated December 30, 2015 No. 1187, appendices 10-11 ) with changes). Includes library resources, electronic educational resources, the website of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" and the website of the Department of Aircraft Engine Design, which contain basic information about educational activities under the EPP; also the library's website and MENTOR system. The use of the virtual learning environment of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" and author's developments of the teaching staff of the Department of Aircraft Engine Design.

Methodical manuals and lecture notes of the fund of the methodical office of the department of Aircraft Engine Design, which are also posted in electronic form on the website of the department (website address: