Dmytro Liukevych
Director of Kharkiv Aviation Institute
He was born on June 10, 1904 in the city of Novorossiysk in the family of a worker at a cement plant, finished three grades of primary school and after the death of his father went to work at a cement plant as a blacksmith, then as an electrician.
Dmytro Lyukevich will soon be sent to Krasnodar to work faculty. After graduating from the labor department in 1924, he entered the aviation department of the mechanical faculty of the Don Polytechnic Institute, after which a capable student was enrolled in the postgraduate course of the Novocherkassk Aviation Institute, organized on the basis of the aviation department of the Don Polytechnic Institute. He defended his candidate's thesis in 1934 and was approved as an associate professor.
While still studying at the graduate school, in addition to teaching, he performed the duties of the head of the educational department, deputy dean and dean of the faculty. In connection with the transfer of the aircraft-building faculty of the Novocherkassk Aviation Institute (later renamed the Industrial Institute) to Kharkiv, Lyukevich goes to the Kharkiv Aviation Institute to work as an associate professor of the aircraft production department and dean of the aircraft-building faculty.
Lyukevich developed and delivered lecture courses in the disciplines "Aircraft production", "Welding in aircraft construction", supervised diploma design. As an experienced teacher with great technical erudition, he oversaw the construction of the main series of Khai-5 (R-10) aircraft.
In 1938, he was appointed head of the aircraft production department. Two years later, he became the deputy director of the Khai Institute for Research and Education. From September 1940 to March 1941 - at. director of the institute. In October 1941, he was evacuated to Kazan together with the institute. An initiative and energetic worker, he actively participated in the organization of the educational process at the new place. Together with the director of the institute, Yeremenko, and the headmaster, Lytvynov, during the war, he took a firm position on the preservation of the institute as an independent university.
Soon he was appointed to the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry as the head of the higher education department. From October 1944 to March 1946, he was the director of the Tashkent Aviation Institute. In March 1946, Lyukevich returned to Khai to the position of director of the institute.
Lyukevich became the director of Khai in 1946, accepting the baton for the revival of the university in the post-war period, replacing Yeremenko as director. Dmytro Lyukevich, together with the team of Khai, ensured the complete restoration of the destroyed educational buildings, student dormitory No. 1 and the teachers' residential building. All the buildings of the pre-war Khai in Pomirki, except for the hangar and two old barracks that survived by chance, lay in ruins. The territory is riddled with trenches, communication channels, funnels of aerial bombs and shells, littered with "metal of war", including those capable of killing. The most important task in the first decade after the war was the restoration of the material base of the institute - educational, residential and commercial buildings, electricity and water supply networks, cable and heating systems, revival and re-equipment of educational and scientific laboratories and much more.
The KHAI team, headed by Lyukevich, successfully coped with this task. Everything was restored not only to the pre-war extent, but also the engine building was built, the dilapidated dormitory building allocated to the institute by the city was restored, and a new dormitory (now #2) was built. Of course, it was not easy to do all this. After all, the country was recovering after such a devastating war. We had to find funds, building materials, equipment, construction equipment, construction specialists, etc. ourselves.
Dmytro Lyukevich took care of the influx of young people into science, revived postgraduate studies, created an evening department, expanded the admission of first-year students and the graduation of young specialists. In 1951, the faculty of the civil air fleet was organized at the institute (operational faculty consisting of two specialties: operation of aircraft and engines, technical operation of electro-radio-lighting equipment), in 1959, the radio engineering faculty was established. The work of the student scientific society was intensified, annual scientific student conferences were held, student scientific circles were active in almost all departments. Prize-winners and champions of the world, USSR, and Ukraine in aeromodelling were brought up in the aircraft model laboratory. In 1959, a student design office was also created. In 1961, the first pressure metal processing laboratory in the USSR was organized, and the work of the Specialized Scientific Council for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses began.
Lyukevich was actively engaged in scientific research in the field of welding and cold stamping. He was the chairman of the Kharkiv Regional Scientific and Technical Association of Welders of the NTO "Mashprom", a member of the scientific and technical committee of the Kharkiv State Farm, the author of many scientific publications.
He lived the institute, he lived for the institute, he died in the institute. For his special merits in training engineers for the aviation industry and other branches of mechanical engineering, Lyukevich was awarded state and ministerial awards: the Order of Lenin (1959), two Orders of Labor.