Congratulations to the winners of Leonid Kuchma Presidential Foundation "Ukraine"!
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HomeNewsCongratulations to the winners of Leonid Kuchma Presidential Foundation "Ukraine"!


Congratulations to the winners of Leonid Kuchma Presidential Foundation "Ukraine"!

The charitable organization Leonid Kuchma Presidential Fund "Ukraine" was founded on December 26, 2003.

Since then, every fall, the most talented and active youth of the country, the best of the best, receive a special scholarship. Students of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" were well represented at this outstanding event every year.

Unfortunately, the war made adjustments to the ceremony this year. There was no full KhAI hall, no solemn fanfare and thunderous applause for the winners. On January 17, 2023, only student Iryna Zayachkovska was able to attend the solemn event.

But there was applause, there was a greeting from the rector of the KhAI Mykola Nechiporuk, an interview for the central TV channel and a well-deserved award, which was personally presented by the press secretary of the Leonid Kuchma Presidential Foundation, Darka Olifer.

Yuliya Belikova, Valeriya Dudnyk, Oleksandra Yelinson, Mykhailo Kudinov (Levchenko), Olena Miroshnychenko, and Ivan Perepelitsa also became scholarship recipients among the students of KhAI. All of them will receive a stipend for a bank check, and diplomas by "New Post". We congratulate the winners and believe that the next ceremony, according to the long-standing tradition of the KhAI, will be held in the assembly hall, to the applause of hundreds of students of the National Aerospace University, who will return to their alma mater in the year of the Victory.

The story about the visit of the charitable organization Leonid Kuchma Presidential Foundation "Ukraine" to the Khai Khai can be found on the ICTV channel.

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