Series of presentations "Business education"
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HomeNewsSeries of presentations "Business education"


Series of presentations "Business education"

The Faculty of Software Engineering and Business of KhАІ welcomes you! Software Engineering and Business (SEB) is the only faculty that combines the training of technical and non-technical specialists in the IT industry. After all, an IT company is a really special place of professional and personal fulfillment. The branching of roles in IT companies is almost limitless and everyone can find the right place for themselves. That is why we train specialists in accordance with the requirements of vacancies in the IT market.

We are announcing a series of presentations "Business - Education"!

From November 21, 2022 to November 27, 2022, our leading teachers will familiarize you with the peculiarities of study and the advantages of choosing business specialties

Register for the event via the link

All answers to your questions in our Telegram group at any time of the day!

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