The beginning of the 2nd semester of work of the School of Physics and Mathematics of KhAI
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HomeNewsThe beginning of the 2nd semester of work of the School of Physics and Mathematics of KhAI


The beginning of the 2nd semester of work of the School of Physics and Mathematics of KhAI

On January 10, 2023, on the basis of our university, the 2nd semester of the Physics and Mathematics School of KhAI will begin (preparatory courses) for graduates of the 11th grades, after which you will receive not only a huge amount of knowledge, but also an additional 10 points for admission to KhAI.

Please note that the certificate of additional 10 points, which you will receive at the end of the courses, is valid only upon admission to NAU named"KhAI".

Training will be carried out for 5 months in the evening, in distance form. Competent teachers and a good mood are guaranteed to you.

Training is provided on a paid basisPayment for each subject separately (per semester).

- Mathematics - UAH 850/semester

- Physics - UAH 850/semester

- Ukrainian language - UAH 300/semester

- Ukrainian literature - UAH 300/semester

- English language - UAH 550/semester

- History of Ukraine - UAH 550/semester

List of documents: application, passport and identification code of one of the parents (for concluding a contract). It is possible to conclude a contract remotely.

Where to send documents, details for payment, how to write an application and all more detailed information you will receive by phone +380 93 731 3552 - Maria Semenivna

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