"Aviator 2019"
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HomeNews"Aviator 2019"


"Aviator 2019"

Launched the contest "Aviator 2019" with a trip winners in Paris and Disneyland

All those who wish to take part in the contest "Aviator 2019" are invited tomorrow at 13:30 at 410 GK.

Aviator 2019 consists of four qualifying stages: solving problems in exact sciences; testing the theory and history of the aviation industry; proficiency test in technical English; presentations in-house. Potential contestants must register on the Facebook page before November 13. The project is open to full-time students and young professionals (from 17 to 25 years old inclusive).

The Aviator jury was traditionally headed by the famous aircraft designer Dmitry Kiva. Together with experts from the aviation industry, he will identify one hundred winners who will attend the International Paris Air Show Le Bourget 2019 industry forum in France in June 2019, see innovations and innovations, and get acquainted with the trends of the season.

Boris Kolesnikov, President of the Charitable Foundation, emphasizes that Aviator is not just a test of knowledge and a trip to Paris. The competition has long become a demonstration platform for student business projects, their chance to start a career, get an assessment of professionals and an opportunity to see the world. Industry experts and entrepreneurs who are members of the Aviator jury or are mentors, the competition helps to find talented employees - with innovative approaches and creative thinking

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