152 Metrology and Information Measuring Technology | ХАІ
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HomeEducation152 Metrology and Information Measuring Technology

152 Metrology and Information Measuring Technology

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1392 of December 16, 2022, the specialty 152 "Metrology and Information Measuring Technology" will be called 175 "Information and Measurement Technologies". Educational activity in the new specialty will begin on September 1, 2023.

The objects of activity of graduates of this specialty are technical, software, mathematical, information support of information and measurement technology, principles of construction of measuring technology and their use, principles and methods of reproduction of reference values, standard samples, information and measurement technology; methods of measurements, control, tests and diagnostics; metrological support of scientific, industrial, social, medical-biological, ecological and other types of activities, traceability and comparability of results; regulatory documentation related to measurements and their application.

The purpose of the training is to train specialists capable of comprehensively solving complex problems of developing and using measuring equipment; development and practical implementation of standardization systems, conformity assessment; the use of information technologies for the processing of measurement results and automation of metrological activity in the performance of organizational and technical work, applied research in the field of metrology and metrological activity.

Preparation is carried out at the Department of Intelligent Measuring Systems and Quality Engineering (Department 303)

Training is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Educational programEducational degreeForm of studyТермін навчання
Intellectual Information and Measuring SystemsBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months
Quality, Standardization and Certification
Quality and Informationand Measurement SystemsPhDFull-time and part-time

4 years