Department of Space Technology and Non-Traditional Energy Sources | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Rocket and Space EngineeringDepartmentsDepartment of Space Technology and Non-Traditional Energy Sources

Department of Space Technology
and Non-Traditional Energy Sources
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Space Engineering and Non-Traditional Energy Sources has a powerful material and scientific base and a professional teaching staff, which allows providing full higher education in the specialties: "134. Aviation and rocket-space engineering" (educational program "Satellites, engines and power plants") and 141 Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics (educational programs: "Non-traditional and renewable energy sources"; "Energy management and energy efficiency"; "Nuclear power plants").

Students are regular winners of international competitions and Olympiads.

The long-term experience of the department staff allows students to participate in real programs of international and Ukrainian research: Dnipro, FP-7, SM-KI, Sich, Okean, Microsatellite, Egyptsat-1, Microsat. The students' work was included in the TEMPUS-CRIST project "Educational reform in aerospace technology of Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine". The active participation of students in scientific work is reflected in the work of the annual scientific and technical conference "Modern problems of rocket and space technology and technology".

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