History of the Department of Information
and Communication Technologies
of the Faculty of Radioelectronics, Computer
Systems and Infocommunications
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"
The first head of the department was Bubnov, a well-known specialist in Kharkiv, the creator of the Kharkiv TV Center, and since 1962, the department has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zamkiv.
In 1968, Professor Falkovych, Ph.D., was appointed head of the department, thanks to which scientific research in the field of statistical theory of radio systems began to develop intensively at the department, and the orientation and profile of training specialists in the field of designing radio technical systems changed.
The department experienced its second birth in 1977. This year, the Radio-Technical Faculty is divided into two faculties, the departments are being structurally restructured, and the Department of Transmitting and Receiving Devices is being re-established, which was headed by the Honored Inventor of the USSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Barzhin. Since then, the department has been conducting profiling training of specialists in radio engineering specialties of the faculty in virtually all types of radio devices: antenna-feeder, receiver-transmitter, devices and technology of ultra-high frequencies, devices of analog and digital circuitry, devices of biomedical electronics, quantum electronics, etc.
Since 1984, the department has been managed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zelenskyi.
Starting from 1999, the department becomes a graduate, it is entrusted with the training of specialists in the field of "Electronic devices" in the specialty "Telecommunications technologies and means", the first graduation of which took place in 2004, and already in 2005 the department begins training bachelors in the field of " Telecommunications". In February 2009, the department successfully conducted the licensing of specialists and masters, as well as the accreditation of bachelors in the direction of "Telecommunications", and starting from the 2009/10 academic year, it has been training specialists and masters in the specialties "Telecommunications systems and networks" and "Telecommunications technologies and means".
Since 2014, the department has been managed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Lukin.
In 2020, the department started training specialists and masters also in the specialty "Information systems and technologies".
Currently, the department has 22 teachers, including 3 professors, doctors of technical sciences and 11 associate professors, candidates of technical sciences.
The department actively conducts scientific research in the field of signal processing in communication systems, remote sensing radio engineering systems, creation of multi-parameter converters of various physical quantities and processes, methods of designing multi-channel measuring systems, analysis and synthesis of control systems of combined and adaptive types under conditions of uncertainty, digital processing images. Doctoral and post-graduate studies work at the department.