Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific Activity of the Department of Management
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Since 2016 and until now, the department has been conducting research in the following areas:

"Management of projects for the development of industrial enterprises",

"Information technologies in management",

"Models and methods of assessing the viability of international projects".

Based on the results of these studies, four monographs, five textbooks, 48 articles in professional publications, of which 14 articles were published in SCOPUS, were published, 84 reports were made at conferences, and patents were filed and registered. During 2018, 2 doctoral theses and three candidate theses were defended.

Assistant of the Department of Management Steinbrecher Daria took part in The 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Paris, France (July 26-27, 2018) with the topic of the report "Integrated Knowledge Loss Risk Management Model in the Project Environment" .

Teachers of the department conduct research on the following topics:

- Development of scientific foundations and methods of formation of technical and economic indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of organizational systems and projects in conditions of uncertainty;

- Development of theoretical foundations of distributed intellectual management of investment projects and programs of reform and development of the machine-building complex of Ukraine;

- Development of information technology and software complex "Environmental control of regional enterprises;

- Methodology of sustainable development and information technologies of green computing and communications.

The research work of the department is a component of preparing students for independent professional, scientific and pedagogical activities. Students of the department take an active part in all-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions, in particular:

- student Dyakova took 9th place in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the direction of training "Management", majoring in "Management of Organizations and Administration".

- studentKozachok in 2019 and student A.V. In 2017, Gud received scholarships under the program;

- students Dyakova, Aliyev, Chekin took part in the "Logistics of Eurovision 2017" competition.

In 2018 and 2019, students participated in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty "Management" (specialization "Management of innovative activity") at the Odesa National University of Economics:

Kozachok took 5th place and received the diploma "For the ability to plan innovative processes";

Pirogov took 5th place and received the certificate "For high level of knowledge and ability to make innovative decisions";

Shalashova took 6th place and received the certificate "Manager-Strategist";

Kravchenko took 4th place and received the certificate "For high level of knowledge and ability to make innovative decisions";

Malakhova took 5th place and received the certificate "Manager-Coordinator".

Students of the 4th year participated in the II round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Strategic Management" at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky":

Rogovaya took 8th place;

Kuznetsova took 55th place.

Students of our department participated in the first innovation festival KhAIInnovate. 13 teams of students and teachers of our university competed for prizes.

Our students became winners in various categories:

student Pavlo Ziberov, in the "IT innovation" category, took second place with the project " - educational platform";

the project of student Yevhen Marchenko "MARTTORY - paintings on wood" took 3rd place in the "Business Innovation" category;

student Nataliya Kozachok, who presented the COMBO Anticinema project, won the 2nd place in the "Social Innovations" category.

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