Department of Aerohydrodynamics | ХАІ
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Department of Aerohydrodynamics
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The department trains engineers in the field of mechanical engineering, specializing in aviation and rocket-space engineering, specializing in aircraft aerodynamics. Our students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of theoretical and experimental aerodynamics of both aircraft and various types of transport. This allows you to perform analysis and carry out developments in the field of designing the appearance of the studied objects using modern technologies based on computing equipment. The acquired knowledge enables our graduates to work in calculation, scientific and research centers, at enterprises engaged in the design, maintenance and repair of aviation equipment, as well as various transport systems. In addition, the acquired knowledge can be implemented in other areas of activity related to ecology and non-traditional energy sources.

Scientists and teachers of the department have at their disposal a wide range of experimental laboratories and stands. Specialized equipment allows you to conduct training sessions and scientific research at a high theoretical and practical level. Lecturers and engineers of the department participate in scientific and research works related to the solution of important problems of Ukrainian industry in its various spheres, which also allows to participate in international scientific and technical projects.


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